Review Club Furies | Of friendships and electronic machines: Departamento Records presents Celesta by Sarrelangue and Niandra

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A few days ago we presented not only the premiere of Movies, the third track of the new Departamento Records release, presented by Sarrelangue and Niandra. Also we presented you the interview we conducted for this incredible collaboration, which involves a lasting friendship. Now we present you the full review, one that tries to give an account in the language of Celesta‘s sounds. Composed of four original tracks, two produced by each of them and two others by both of them in collaboration.

Celesta is the reunion of something that happened a long time ago, but that has always been present and always will be. In a way, it shows that what begins purely, will never be broken. That is the meaning of this EP: the true friendship that will last all existence. It is about tracks made by two different but equal beings at the same time, with a similarity in the idea of creating unique sounds by forming them themselves.

Sermón started with a sequential bass from Sarrelangue‘s Digitone. He experimented with an unusual kick, adding percussions recorded with his Tascam. They were then processed with effects, along with synthesizers and assorted lines. The artist says “I felt that something was missing, so I used a cassette of the Pope in Oaxaca from 1979 to give the Sermón theme to the track, playing with speed and breaks with polyphonic synths”. It’s a nice sound, which unravels between velvety sweets and playful brusqueness. This combined creates a versatile and quite textured duality. After five minutes of sounds, the listener’s soul and perception have been imbued with the sounds of Sermón, which spans time and space extensively.

(World) after us is Niandra‘s song. It is an electronic piece of music formed from an ambient sound. It is composed of several sonic, rhythmic, and melodic layers, generating tension in a percussive and trashy sound. It features synthesized, intense toms, dirty hats, and textured vocal samples that create a rhythm and dialogue with each other. This creates a sense of escape, ideal for getting lost in the dancefloor. (World) after us contrast with ethereal pads and keyboards that reflect the struggle of the chiaroscuro of the world and our relationship with it.

If we have an ambient atmosphere, transverse to the sound, or covering it all; from the layered layer, this creates an enveloping and very textured sensation. Because when certain instruments are layered, the ambient sound can be more subdued or more intense. This is also combined with the rest of the sounds. This creates a uniform whole from the difference of rhythms and timbres very nice.

Movies is exploration, synths, samples, and pads. It begins in Niandra‘s studio, marked by an emblematic bass and enveloping sounds that give space to develop. Movies is what tells, expresses, and feels. Movies in its evolution takes us to that world of expression and sensations, which is lived at the surface of the skin. It is a complete sound immersion of sensations in which body and soul become just that, sound perception that takes us to the sound world of Movies. A simple title, but that expresses with clarity and spectacular precision what it wants to express.

De Vuelta En Mi Ciudad was initiated by Sarrelangue. He then invited Nindra to the studio and together they jammed on it, modifying and adding elements until they came up with this idea. “We sampled scenes, processed them with pedals, used Niandra‘s cymbals, jumping toms, and Sarrelangue‘s pad synth.” The idea came after working a few days in the studio, somehow evoking the place where one grew up.

With a throbbing emotion and fresh vibes, the track unfolds with clamor and a lot of patience, showing genius in the sound design. Precision that comes across as laid-back; subtlety that comes across as scatterbrained. And the sound that never ceases to be refreshing. Summery, that transports us to sunny terraces and beaches bathed in navy blue amidst breezes crossed by the halos of the sun.

Everything ends up being covered by ineffable silences, which shows how Departamento Records, as well as this collaboration, maintain a sound that begins to be identifiable, but at the same time is unique and particular in each release.

Label: Departamento Records
Title: Celesta
Artists: Sarrelangue & Niandra
Catalog: DPT004
Mastering: Febe Esquerra @ Ometusco Sound Machine

Release Date: June 20th. 2024
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A1 Sermón – Sarrelangue
A2 (World) After Us – Niandra
B1 Movies – Sarrlangue & Niandra
B2 De Vuelta En Mi Ciudad – Niandra & Sarrelangue


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